
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork

Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork

Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 15″ X Width 6.5″. Marble Dimensions: Diameter 6.5. Height without base:14. Introducing the striking bronze sculpture of a bold knight, poised to seize his adversary’s castle with unwavering determination. Prepared for battle, he brandishes his mighty sword, ready to launch a formidable attack. Every aspect of his full armor has been meticulously crafted with exceptional detail and accuracy, showcasing the artistry of the sculptor. Adorned with a coif, a neck guard beneath his helmet, and an iron meshed gauntlet beneath his breastplate, the knight ensures maximum protection. His knees are safeguarded by knee cops embellished with two valiant lion heads, adding a touch of regal symbolism to the sculpture. This handmade bronze masterpiece has been shaped using the ancient lost-wax casting method, an age-old technique renowned for capturing intricate details and preserving the essence of the artwork. A brown patina finish enhances the sculpture’s visual appeal while ensuring its long-term preservation. The sculpture stands proudly upon a black marble base, symbolizing strength and sophistication. Imprinted with the European Bronze Finery stamp of quality, it assures the authenticity and high standard of craftsmanship. The base also bears the signature of the talented artist, J. R Colinet, further solidifying its value and uniqueness. Embrace the spirit of chivalry and honor with this awe-inspiring knight sculpture, a testament to the timeless appeal of medieval legends. Make a bold statement in your home or office with this remarkable piece of art, capturing the essence of bravery and valor.
Medieval Knight on Horse Statue 100% Pure Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Artwork

Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm

Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm
Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm
Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm
Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm
Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm
Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm

Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm
Edle 2-farbige Medizin Buddha Statue aus Nepal. Ein ganz besonders schönes, handgefertigtes Unikat mit ganz toller friedlicher Ausstrahlung! Die alte Statue ist ca. Ich habe sie von meiner Nepalreise mitgebracht. Sie stammt aus Baktapur in Nepal. Der Medizin Buddha ist der Buddha der Heilung. Der Medizin-Buddha wird im Mahayana. Er kann alle Krankheiten heilen, auch die der Unwissenheit, und somit ist es insbesondere eine seiner Fähigkeiten, von den sog. (Haß, Gier, Zorn) zu heilen, die sich auch körperlich auswirken können. Vor seiner Erleuchtung legte der Medizin-Buddha zwölf Gelübde ab, in denen er schwor, später alle Missgebildeten, Behinderten und Kranken von ihren Gebrechen zu befreien. Diese Gelübde sind Hauptbestandteile der Lehrreden, die dem Medizin-Buddha gewidmet sind. Diese erwähnten geistigen Gifte verursachen in den Lebewesen gemäß der buddhistischen Lehre einen unfriedlichen Geist, deshalb auch (körperliche und seelische) Krankheiten. Das Material ist aus Bronze, Buddha hat eine leichte grüne Patina und wurde besonders fein gearbeitet. Sein Körper ist in goldfarben. Die Buddha Statue wurde nicht künstlich beschwert, sie ist unten offen, hier sieht man, um was für massive und dickwandige Arbeit es sich handelt. Einfach schön zum Hinstellen auf den Hausaltar oder Schrein.. Maße: 24 cm hoch, 19 cm breit, 13 cm tief. Die Statue ist sehr schwer: 2,8 Kilo!
Very noble Tibetan healing medicine Buddha bronze statue from Nepal, 2.8kg, 24cm