
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr

Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr

Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr
INCREDIBLE QUALITY MID CENTURY DORE HAND MADE BRONZE MAIDEN WITH VASE FIGURE NR. This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 28″ X Width 9″. Marble Dimensions: Diameter 9. Height without base:25. Capturing the essence of Victorian elegance, this exquisite bronze sculpture features a woman standing gracefully, holding two water jugs in her hands. Her focused gaze and contemplative posture suggest a moment of introspection. The flowing curves of her hair seamlessly blend with the lines of her body, creating a visual harmony and balance that radiates throughout the piece. Despite the lack of specific facial details, the sculpture exudes an unmistakable sense of grace and beauty, inviting viewers to appreciate the artistry of the form. Crafted with precision and care, the sculpture was produced using the ancient lost wax method of casting, a technique that dates back centuries. This method ensures that every nuance and detail is captured with exquisite precision, from the intricate folds of her clothing to the delicate contours of her figure. Carrier, has left their mark on this creation, signing the sculpture as a testament to their skill and dedication. Whether displayed in a home or business setting, this bronze sculpture promises to make a stunning and timeless addition, resonating with the enduring allure of Victorian aesthetics. With its focus on capturing the grace of a bygone era, this bronze sculpture stands as a testament to the enduring beauty of art. The Victorian woman, frozen in a moment of quiet contemplation, invites viewers to reflect on the artistry of the past while seamlessly integrating into contemporary spaces. Carrier’s signature adds a personal touch, making this sculpture not just a decorative piece but a unique and valuable work of art that transcends time. Virgin Islands, however, an additional charge may be required. New Detailed Hand Crafted Hot Cast Bronze Not Resin Satisfaction Guaranteed. This is Stock Photo, Slight Color Variation! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
Incredible Quality MID Century Dore Hand Made Bronze Maiden With Vase Figure Nr

Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal

Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal

Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal
Bronze statue made?? by the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. This product data sheet is originally written in English. Bronze statue made by the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 9.5″ X Width 5″. Marble Dimensions: Diameter 5. Height without base:8.5. In our store, all bronze sculptures are created using the Hot Cast Lost Wax Method, which adds significant value and authenticity to each piece. While some may view bronze sculptures as mere souvenirs, they hold much more intrinsic value due to various factors. One key reason for the value of bronze sculptures is the cost of materials involved in their creation, including bronze itself, silicone for molds, specialized tools, ovens, and other equipment. These materials are essential for the meticulous casting process that results in high-quality bronze artworks. Moreover, the scarcity of skilled artisans trained in the ancient and intricate lost-wax casting technique further elevates the value of bronze sculptures. This process requires patience, expertise, and a deep understanding of sculptural artistry, making each piece a labor-intensive and time-consuming work of art. Unlike mass-produced items in today’s high-tech world, bronze casting remains largely unchanged, retaining its traditional craftsmanship and artistic integrity. It’s crucial to differentiate genuine bronze castings from misleading alternatives like “cold cast” or “bonded bronze, ” which are often plastic figurines masquerading as bronze sculptures. Each of our bronze sculptures is crafted using the classic cire perdue (lost-wax cast technique), ensuring authenticity, quality, and lasting value. Virgin Islands, however, an additional charge may be required. New Detailed Hand Crafted Hot Cast Bronze Not Resin Satisfaction Guaranteed. This is Stock Photo, Slight Color Variation! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
Bronze statue made? By the lost wax, real marble base to a height of 24 cm. Tal

Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine

Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine

Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine
Seit 2002 sind wir für Sie da! Schönes für den Asien Garten. Tröge & Asia Brunnen. Steinfiguren für den Garten. THANGKAS / BILDER / ÖLGEMÄLDE. Chinesischer General Guan Yu Skulptur aus Bronze. The Spirit of Asia. Seit 2002 Trusted Shops zertifiziert. Besuchen Sie unseren Showroom in Hilpoltstein. You get what you see! Sie bekommen exakt das gezeigte Exponat. General Guan Yu Statue aus Bronze/Cloisonne Erleben Sie die majestätische Präsenz und den historischen Charme des legendären Generals Guan Yu mit dieser exquisiten Bronze Skulptur. Material: Hochwertige Bronze, die für ihre Langlebigkeit und edle Ausstrahlung bekannt ist. Maße: 56 x 37 x 27 cm Gewicht: 23,3 kg. Detailgetreue Darstellung von General Guan Yu aus hochwertiger Bronze. Bedeutung: Guan Yu, auch bekannt als Guan Gong, ist eine hochverehrte Figur in der chinesischen Kultur, bekannt für seine Loyalität, Tapferkeit und Rechtschaffenheit. Diese Statue symbolisiert diese Tugenden und ist ein perfektes Dekorationsstück für Zuhause oder Büro. Dekoration: Ein beeindruckendes Kunstwerk für Wohnräume, Büros, oder als zentrales Stück in einem Sammlerraum. Geschenk: Ideal als hochwertiges und bedeutungsvolles Geschenk für Freunde, Familie oder Geschäftspartner, die die chinesische Kultur und Geschichte schätzen. Kann im Feng Shui eingesetzt werden, um positive Energie, Schutz und Wohlstand in Ihren Raum zu bringen. Pflegehinweise: Regelmäßig mit einem weichen Tuch abstauben. Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit aggressiven Reinigungsmitteln oder Chemikalien. Fazit: Die Bronze-Statue des General Guan Yu ist nicht nur ein Stück Geschichte, sondern auch ein Kunstwerk, das Stärke und Ehre ausstrahlt. Perfekt für Sammler, Liebhaber der chinesischen Kultur oder als beeindruckendes Dekorationselement, das in jedem Raum für Aufmerksamkeit sorgt. Holen Sie sich ein Stück Legende in Ihr Zuhause und lassen Sie sich von der kraftvollen Aura dieses historischen Helden inspirieren. Cloisonné Cloisonné, auch Zellenschmelz oder Zellenemail genannt, ist eine kunsthandwerkliche Technik bei Emailarbeiten. Zur Fertigung werden dünne Drähte oder Metallstreifen dekorativ aufgelötet, um dann in mehreren Arbeitsgängen zwischen ihnen verschiedenfarbige Glasflüsse einzulassen. Der Rohling wird danach bei ungefähr 750-800 °C gebrannt. Es handelt sich bei dieser chinesischen Skulptur um eine sehr hochwertige Kupferbronze mit einer sehr feinen Cloisonne Arbeit. Ursprung Die sitzende Guanyin Skulptur stammt aus einer süddeutschen Sammlungsauflösung, ursprünglich China. Wir bieten die Skulptur im Kundenauftrag an. Zustand Die buddhistische Kunstfigur befindet sich in einem Top Zustand. Sie erhalten genau die hier abgebildete Cloisonne Skulptur. Differenzbesteuerung nach §25a UstG, daher ist kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis möglich. Ein Stück Asien mitten in Bayern. Boschring 9 in 91161 Hilpoltstein – Autobahn Ausfahrt Hilpoltstein zwischen Nürnberg & München. Wir nehmen uns nach einer Terminvereinbarung gerne Zeit für Ihren Besuch. Große Auswahl asiatische Kunst und Einrichtungselemente. Bitte klicken Sie nach dem Einkauf auf den Button “Jetzt-Bezahlen”. Alle von uns ersteigerten Artikel werden dann zu einer Sendung zusammengefasst. Anschließend wählen Sie Ihre Lieferadresse & Zahlungsmethode. Wir versenden innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Zahlungseingang. Unser Versandpartner sind DHL. Es fallen für Sie keine Versandkosten in Deutschland an. Zu Ihrer Sicherheit gewährleisten wir Ihnen 30 Tage Rückgaberecht! Genaue Informationen dazu können Sie der Widerrufsbelehrung sowie den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen weiter unten entnehmen. Asiatische Schätze vergangener Tage. Das Kunsthandwerk in Asien in der heutigen Zeit ist unserer Meinung nach leider nicht mehr so anspruchsvoll wie vor ca. Daher haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, für alte Schätze Asiens aus Sammlungsauflösungen und Nachlässen ein neues Zuhause zu finden. Mehr aus unserem Shop. Ein warmes Lächeln für mehr innere Ruhe. Entdecken Sie Ihren Lebensbegleiter. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter der Website ec. Europa. Eu/consumers/odr/ finden.
Chinese General Guan Yu Bronze Cloisonne Sculpture Statue China Figurine

13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork

13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork

13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 13″ x Width 13″ Marble Dimensions: 11″ X 6″ Height without base: 12 1/2 Weight: 20 LBS Inventory: 53Y3076135. This captivating statue, crafted by the esteemed artisan Milo, pays homage to the enduring companionship between humans and horses throughout history. The horse, revered for its contributions in various aspects of human life such as war, agriculture, and mobility, holds a significant place in civilization’s development. Symbolizing honor, reverence, and progress, the horse has left a profound impact on cultures worldwide. In this sculpture, Milo beautifully captures the majesty and grace of the horse in a regal stance, symbolizing its historical significance and enduring beauty. What sets this piece apart is the inclusion of a small monkey perched atop the horse’s back, adding a whimsical and playful element to the composition. The intricate detailing of the casting, achieved through the ancient lost wax method, brings out the lifelike qualities of both the horse and the monkey, making it a truly remarkable work of art. Whether displayed in a business setting or cherished in a home, this sculpture is sure to captivate the hearts of animal lovers and art enthusiasts alike. Signed by Milo, this piece not only embodies artistic excellence but also celebrates the timeless bond between humans and animals, making it a meaningful addition to any collection.
13 French Bronze Cute Monkey Sit Horse Statue Riding Hot Cast Made by Artwork

Joan of Arc Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy 35 cm

Joan of Arc Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy 35 cm

Joan of Arc Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy 35 cm
Joan of Arc Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy 35cm. Joan of Arc Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy Very good condition as on the photos. It is truly a masterpiece statue for home decor. This is a lovely item to own or to give as a special gift. Basic information: Metal / Polystone with bronze coating Height / 35 cm / 13.7 in. The figurine “Joan of Arc” is a real work of art, created by true masters. This figurine carries a symbol of heroism, self-sacrifice and love for the motherland. The figurine “Joan of Arc” will be an excellent gift for all history lovers and for those who wants to change the world for the better. Such a gift is perfect for a female boss, manager, politician, history teacher, activist. The figurine is made of polystone (artificial stone) and covered with bronze spraying. Packaged in a beautiful gift box. Please review all photos closely, since they are a large part of my item description. (all made with daylight, to show the color as authentic as possible). I check each product and sell only the best quality products. In any case, if you are not satisfied with the product. Please contact me and I will do everything to your satisfaction. I accepted within 14 days, In its original packaging and on condition the item in its original condition as received. In any case, of a problem contact me right away before leaving feedback so I will do my very best to resolve any problem. And to make you satisfied. Thank you for shopping.
Joan of Arc Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy 35 cm

Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue

Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue

Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 12″ x Width 6″ Marble Dimensions: 6″ X 4″ Height without base: 10 Weight: 10 LBS Inventory: 34X21384443. Hades (Pluto) emerged as one of the three sons of Cronus, alongside his brothers Zeus and Poseidon, in the intricate tapestry of Greek mythology. Upon the division of the world among the siblings, Hades was designated the underworld, assuming the mantle of the King of the Underworld, presiding over the realm of the deceased. Standing resolute with his imposing presence, he is accompanied by Cerberus, his three-headed watchdog, clutching his formidable two-pronged fork, a symbol of his dominion over the realm of the dead. Masterfully crafted through the intricate lost wax method, this evocative sculpture pays homage to the intricate nuances of Greek mythology, capturing the essence of Hades’ authoritative stance and resolute command over the realm of the afterlife. Resting gracefully on a square black marble base, the sculpture exudes a timeless allure, underscoring the enduring power and mystique encapsulated within the narrative of ancient Greek lore. Bearing the distinctive signature of Phidias, the renowned sculptor of Classical Greece, this remarkable piece serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Greek mythology, immortalizing the enigmatic figure of Hades and his indomitable reign over the underworld.
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue

H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival

H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival

H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival
Both figures are nicely cast with good details, and pleasant patina, both loosely mounted on matching turned wooden plinths. Each figure stands at 35cm high (without plinths), plinths are 5.2cm. Total height when mounted 40.2cm. Both statues have survived well, there is some light wear and minor rubbing. It appears that the skin tones and clothing have been cold painted perhaps, with muted tones to highlight the differenet surfaces. Minor surface loss in places. As expected, which contributes to its age patina. There is no heavy damage, with only a couple of small bumps, otherwise nicely presented. Both figures stand loosely on wooden plinth, the screws that secure them on are missing, with some splitting to the wood with age. Please see photo gallery for a full visual of condition. PLEASE NOTE IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH YOUR ITEM PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. Get images that make Supersized seem small. Showcase your items with Auctiva’s. Track Page Views With.
H Tremo Georges Omerth 1895-1925 Pair Spelter Statues Made Paris Baroque Revival

Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue

Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue

Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 12″ x Width 6″ Marble Dimensions: 6″ X 4″ Height without base: 10 Weight: 10 LBS Inventory: 34X21384443. Hades (Pluto) emerged as one of the three sons of Cronus, alongside his brothers Zeus and Poseidon, in the intricate tapestry of Greek mythology. Upon the division of the world among the siblings, Hades was designated the underworld, assuming the mantle of the King of the Underworld, presiding over the realm of the deceased. Standing resolute with his imposing presence, he is accompanied by Cerberus, his three-headed watchdog, clutching his formidable two-pronged fork, a symbol of his dominion over the realm of the dead. Masterfully crafted through the intricate lost wax method, this evocative sculpture pays homage to the intricate nuances of Greek mythology, capturing the essence of Hades’ authoritative stance and resolute command over the realm of the afterlife. Resting gracefully on a square black marble base, the sculpture exudes a timeless allure, underscoring the enduring power and mystique encapsulated within the narrative of ancient Greek lore. Bearing the distinctive signature of Phidias, the renowned sculptor of Classical Greece, this remarkable piece serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Greek mythology, immortalizing the enigmatic figure of Hades and his indomitable reign over the underworld.
Pluto Cerberus 3 Headed Dog Hand Made Bronze Sculpture Greek Mythology Statue