Ganesha Figur Hinduismus Buddha buddafigur indien buddhismus ganescha statue. Great item and good service. Order from 14.09.2018 (401504836161). “Lovely item thank you it’s perfect”. Order from 23.08.2018 (192317316616). GANESHA SKULPTUR TEMPEL GOTTHEIT. Die beliebteste hinduistische Gottheit mit Elefantenkopf, auf einem Thron sitzend. Seine vielen Arme sind ein Zeichen von überlegener, göttlicher Macht. Material: Keramikmasse mit hochwertiger Bronzeschicht überzogen. Sammlerstück, original aus der Kollektion von Veronese, signiert. 26 cm / Breite ca. 15 cm / Tiefe ca. Palazzo Int is a wholesaler and retailer for historical made furnishings of all kinds. Our range of products extends from small home accessories, extravagant gift articles to stately and trendy living ideas. Our bestsellers include sculptures, sculptures, oil paintings, lamps, mirrors, fountains, porcelain, furniture for home and garden, home textiles such as fur blankets, curtains, cushions and much more. We are known worldwide for our gigantic range of Art Nouveau & Art Deco reproductions. Today our articles inspire customers all over the world. The concept “Antiques of tomorrow for everyone” proved to be a promising motto with future perspectives. Palazzo Int increasingly realizes numerous own ideas and drafts, our product range covers meanwhile over 3000 different articles with positive tendency upward. If you have any questions about the article, please let us know our internal item number: wu77816a4. Furniture & Decorations in Industrial Design. Sofas, armchairs and beds. Large and small mirrors. Is your competent supplier for furniture and decorations in trendy vintage style. Design & Development by Pixelsafari.