
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made

Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made

Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 11″ x Width 8″. Marble Dimensions: Diameter 5. Height without base: 10. This enchanting bronze sculpture beautifully captures the grace and elegance of a young ballet dancer frozen in a moment of poise and beauty. The artist’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in the dancer’s flowing skirt, the delicate ballet slippers, and the carefully styled bun of her hair. Her expressive features, from her full lips to her wide, innocent eyes, exude an air of tranquility and acceptance. Crafted using the time-honored “Lost Wax Method, ” this sculpture is a testament to the artist’s skill and dedication. The bronze material and brown patina finish lend a sense of depth and warmth to the piece, making it an inviting and captivating work of art. Mounted on a black marble base, it exudes a classic and timeless charm that would complement any space. Whether you’re an admirer of ballet, a lover of art, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the human form, this bronze sculpture is sure to enchant and inspire. It’s a celebration of the artistry, discipline, and sheer beauty of dance, and it would make a cherished addition to any art collection or decor. Signed by the artist Milo, it’s a testament to the enduring appeal of classical artistry.
Signed Milo Bronze statue little ballerina Dancer Bronze sculpture Hand Made

Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble

Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble

Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 9″ X Length 11″. Marble Dimensions:9.5″ X 4″. Height without base:8 1/2. This 100% bronze sculpture portrays a hunting dog, a loyal companion and invaluable aid to hunters as they search for prey based on their natural instincts and strengths. The sculpture captures the essence of the hunting dog, depicted with a lean and poised build as it walks with purpose. A tribute to man’s best friend, this sculpture is an exceptional piece for any dog lover. Mounted on a black marble base, the bronze sculpture adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to its portrayal of the hunting dog. The artist Milo’s signature proudly adorns the sculpture, signifying the authenticity of the piece and showcasing the skill and artistry of the creator. Whether displayed as a standalone piece or as part of a collection celebrating the bond between humans and their canine companions, this sculpture resonates with the spirit of loyalty and collaboration between hunters and their dogs. The depiction of the hunting dog’s natural instincts and strength is a testament to the artist’s ability to capture the essence of these remarkable animals in bronze. Dog Following Scent Bronze Sculpture Statue Figure on Marble Base Signed Milo AL-312. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
Signed Milo Bronze Foxhound Dog Sculpture Statue Hand Made Marble

Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women’s Skin Colors Angel Descending Night

Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night

Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night
Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss. Unterzeichnet Ein Bronze Statue Winged Damen Hautfarben Angel Descending Night. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. SIGNIERT AA Weinman Bronzestatue geflügelte Frau Nackter Engel “Absteigende Nacht”. Diese Skulptur ist in einwandfreiem Zustand. Bronze-Abmessungen mit Marmorsockel: Höhe 21 x Breite 16″Marmor-Abmessungen: Durchmesser 6″”Höhe ohne Sockel: 18″”Gewicht: 20 PfundInventar: 64DS2658146 “Absteigende Nacht” Über die Skulptur: Dieses berühmte Stück mit dem Titel “Absteigende Nacht wurde vom deutschen Bildhauer Adolph A. Es zeigt einen nackten weiblichen Engel mit gesenktem Kopf, dessen Arme sanft über ihr Haar streichen, das ihr fließend über den Rücken fällt. Ihre ausgedehnten großen Flügel sind mit exquisiten Details gefertigt. “Descending Night” und das dazugehörige Werk “Rising Day” wurden ursprünglich als Brunnenfiguren für die Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915 in San Francisco entworfen. Nach der Ausstellung reproduzierte Weinman beide Werke in zwei Größen, eines mit einer Höhe von etwa 24 Zoll und das andere mit einer Höhe von etwa 57 Zoll. Es ist mit AA Weinman signiert. Über den Künstler: Der in Deutschland geborene Adolph Alexander Weinman wanderte mit seiner Mutter in die Vereinigten Staaten aus, als er war zehn. Mit 15 Jahren ging er bei dem Schnitzer Frederick Kaldenberg in die Lehre, der hauptsächlich mit Holz und Elfenbein arbeitete. Seine Abende verbrachte er damit, Zeichnen und Modellieren an der Cooper Union zu studieren. Später studierte Weinman an der Art Students League, wo er vom damals führenden amerikanischen Bildhauer Augustus Saint-Gaudens unterrichtet wurde. Zu seinen anderen Skulpturen gehörten sowohl Porträtstatuen als auch spekulativere dramatische Werke. Zu seinen dramatischen Werken gehören Fountain of the Water Centaurs auf dem Gelände des Missouri State Capitol, Riders of the Dawn, ein Brunnenstück in Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina, und die bekannten Stücke Rising Sun, Descending Night, Duet, Narzisse und Aphrodite. Die meisten Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden nach dem Kauf versendet. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, bevor Sie in diesen Bereichen Einkäufe tätigen. Für Kunden außerhalb der USA sind Sie möglicherweise für alle Zölle, Steuern und Maklergebühren verantwortlich, die bei der Lieferung fällig sein können (die Versandkosten decken nur die Frachtkosten). Wir versenden auch international. Die Tarife für die einzelnen Gebiete finden Sie in der Tabelle “Versand und Bearbeitung”. Wir akzeptieren nahezu jede Zahlungsart. Zahlungsanweisungen, Bankschecks und sogar persönliche oder geschäftliche Schecks. Für staatliche Institutionen nehmen wir auch eine Bestellung entgegen. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir bei persönlichen oder geschäftlichen Schecks vor dem Versand auf die Einlösung des Schecks warten müssen (in der Regel 7 Tage). Neue, detaillierte, handgefertigte Heißgussbronze Kein Kunstharz Zufriedenheitsgarantie. Dies ist ein Standardfoto, leichte Farbabweichung! Auflistungs- und Vorlagendienste von inkFrog. “Absteigende Nacht” Über die Skulptur: Dieses berühmte Stück mit dem Titel “Absteigende Nacht” wurde vom deutschen Bildhauer Adolph A. Über den Künstler: Der in Deutschland geborene Adolph Alexander W.
Signed A Bronze Statue Winged Women's Skin Colors Angel Descending Night

Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue

Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue

Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue
Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss. Unterzeichnet Nardini Original Kunstwerk Katze 100% Solid Messingskulptur Statue. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Diese Skulptur ist in einem perfekten Zustand. Bronze-Abmessungen: Höhe 7,6 cm x Breite 15,2 cm. Die Skulptur zeigt den starken, flexiblen Körper der Katze, schnelle Reflexe, scharfe einziehbare Krallen und Zähne, die für die Jagd auf kleine Beute geeignet sind. Als dämmerungsaktives Raubtier nutzen Katzen ihr scharfes Gehör und ihre Fähigkeit, in der Dunkelheit zu sehen, um Beute zu jagen und zu lokalisieren, was sie zu effizienten Jägern macht. Diese vollständig von Hand nach der alten “Wachsausschmelzmethode” gefertigte Skulptur aus 100 % Bronze ist ein bemerkenswertes Kunstwerk, das die Talente des Künstlers M. Nardini unter Beweis stellt. Die Skulptur hat eine schöne braune Patina, die ihr natürliches Aussehen und Gefühl verleiht und sie zu einer perfekten Ergänzung für jede Inneneinrichtung macht. Diese Skulptur ist nicht nur ein dekoratives Stück; Es kann auch funktional genutzt werden und als Ablage für wichtige Dokumente oder Dokumente dienen. Die Skulptur ist vom Künstler signiert, was ihren Wert und ihre Authentizität erhöht. Es handelt sich um eine einzigartige und bezaubernde Skulptur, die von Katzenliebhabern und Kunstsammlern gleichermaßen geschätzt wird. Link in ein Browserfenster einfügen. Es handelt sich um ein.
Signed Nardini Original Artwork Cat 100% Solid Brass Sculpture Statue

Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE

Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE

Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE
Condition: This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 10 x Width 7.5Marble Dimensions: Diameter 7.5. Height without base:9.5Weight : 10 LBSInventory:47YRD0203974 This is a bronze rendition of (Kneeling Woman) by Italian sculptor Aldo Vitaleh. The beautiful maiden kneels on a cushion as she places a necklace around her neck. The pendant falls on her bare chest as her both her arms are delicately still suspended in the air. Her head is bowed as her own, felt sensuality and beauty, gives her mouth a gentle smile. There is great detail in the pillow she kneels upon, her hair and the refined surface of her skin exhibiting the craftsmanship of the artist. She was molded using the age-old method of lost-wax casting and stained with a brown patina fi.
Signed HAND MADE, bronze statue kneeling girl sculpture New Necklace NUDE

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART. This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 10″ X Width 8″ Marble Dimensions: 5″ X 5″ Height without base: 9 Weight: 10 LBS Inventory: 63DS0555036. Introducing our exquisite bronze sculpture inspired by Auguste Rodin’s renowned masterpiece, The Thinker. This particular rendition presents a skeletal interpretation, adding a unique twist to the original concept. Originally named The Poet, Rodin initially envisioned the statue as a representation of Dante atop a door, deeply contemplating the scene below. However, it is believed that Rodin intended the figure to evoke a more universal and profound reflection. Our sculpture captures The Thinker as a man immersed in profound meditation, engaged in a compelling internal struggle. The contemplative posture, with hand resting upon the chin, right elbow leaning on the left knee, and a crouching stance, bestows upon the statue a sense of thoughtful observation. Crafted for individuals who relish introspection and intellectual exploration, it serves as a timeless reminder to ponder twice before acting. The meticulous craftsmanship of this sculpture is evident in its intricate skeletal structure. Admire the captivating details, such as the undulating lines of the spine and the exposed ribcage, which add a touch of realism and depth. Painstakingly created using the renowned “Lost Wax Method, ” this masterpiece is entirely handmade from 100% bronze. To enhance its elegance, it is mounted on a luxurious marble base, a perfect complement to its artistic allure. This exceptional piece is proudly signed by the acclaimed artist, Milo. Indulge in the beauty and thought-provoking nature of this bronze sculpture, a testament to artistic excellence and the eternal quest for intellectual enlightenment. Virgin Islands, however, an additional charge may be required. New Detailed Hand Crafted Hot Cast Bronze Not Resin Satisfaction Guaranteed. This is Stock Photo, Slight Color Variation! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker sculpture Made by Lost Wax ART

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure
Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss. Unterzeichnet Milo Bronze Statue Elefant Buchstütze Messingskulptur Figur. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Diese Skulptur ist in perfektem Zustand. Bronzeabmessungen mit Marmorsockel: Höhe 12 “x Breite 10″ Marmorabmessungen: 5 “x 3″ Höhe ohne Sockel: 9 Gewicht: 10 LBSBestand: 53K2734335 Man kann sich den Elefanten vorstellen, wie er langsam und majestätisch über die endlose Trockenheit einer Ebene auf der Suche nach einer Wasserstelle oder dem Schatten von Bäumen streift. Er zieht seinen Rüssel nach oben. Er zieht seinen Rüssel nach außen, während er mit einer zärtlichen Passivität in seinen Augen vorbeigeht. Seit Jahren ist der Elefant im Osten als heiliges Tier bekannt. Als größtes Tier auf der Erde ist der Elefant als Symbol für Stärke und Macht bekannt. In buddhistischen Kulturen sind weiße Elefanten ein Symbol für Geduld und Weisheit. Die Chinesen sehen Elefanten als Symbol für Energie, Stärke und Kraft. Ganesha ist eine hinduistische Gottheit mit einem Elefantenkopf. Die Bronzeskulptur wurde nach der alten Methode des Wachsausschmelzverfahrens gegossen und zur Konservierung mit einer braunen Patina überzogen. Der Elefant ist auf einem bunten braunen Marmorsockel montiert und vom Künstler Milo signiert. Man kann sich den Elefanten vorstellen, wie er langsam und majestätisch über die endlose Trockenheit einer Ebene auf der Suche nach einer Wasserstelle oder dem Schatten von Bäumen streift. Die Bronzeskulptur wurde nach der alten Methode des Wachsausschmelzverfahrens gegossen und zur Konse.
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Elephant Bookrest Brass Sculpture Figure

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor

Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 14″ x Width 10″ Marble Dimensions: 5″ X 5″. Height without base: 11 Weight : 16 LBS Inventory :47X25707174. Discover the intriguing allure of this captivating bronze sculpture that seamlessly blends the eerie with the fascinating. Perfect for Halloween enthusiasts or those who appreciate the beauty of unconventional art, this piece is a true conversation starter. It proves that true beauty can be found in the unconventional, making it a compelling addition to any collection. This unique sculpture features a skeleton skull, meticulously crafted with intricate details, including its fully intact set of teeth. Using the revered “Lost Wax Method, ” this artwork is a testament to the ancient techniques of bronze casting. With a resin off-white or gray patina, it exudes an air of mystique. Mounted gracefully on a black marble base, this sculpture bears the signature of the renowned artist Milo. Delve into the fascinating realm of the macabre and the captivating with this extraordinary bronze sculpture. Perfect for Halloween enthusiasts and those who appreciate the allure of the unusual, this piece exudes a unique and eerie beauty. Embracing the notion that beauty transcends traditional standards, it serves as a striking conversation starter. This sculpture portrays a skeleton skull, intriguingly mesmerizing due to its complete set of teeth. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, it honors the ancient “Lost Wax Method” of casting bronze. Its resin off-white or gray patina adds to its enigmatic charm. Poised atop a sleek black marble base, this sculpture proudly displays the signature of the esteemed artist Milo. Unleash your fascination for the peculiar and enthralling with this remarkable bronze sculpture. A captivating blend of creepy and intriguing, it appeals to both Halloween enthusiasts and those who cherish the allure of the extraordinary. Defying conventional beauty standards, this sculpture proves that true elegance lies beyond the norm. The skull of a skeleton takes center stage, its remarkable feature being the fully intact set of teeth. Meticulously crafted using the time-honored “Lost Wax Method, ” this artwork showcases the enduring artistry of bronze casting. Adorned with a resin off-white or gray patina, it exudes an alluring aura. Mounted gracefully on a black marble base, this sculpture is a genuine masterpiece, signed by the talented artist Milo. Dios De Los Muertes Day of the Dead Decorative Bronze Metal Skull Sculpture Statue on Marble XN-2570.
Signed Milo Bronze Statue Skull Skeleton thinker statue Made by Lost Wax Decor

Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine

Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine

Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 16″ x Width 9″Marble Dimensions: Diameter 6″Height without base: 15″ Weight :12 LBSInventory : 25B2586452 Kowalczewski works are considered by sculpture specialists, knowledgeable collectors, dealers and scholars to be as fine and extremely well detailed as the best sculpture produced during the 19th and early 20th century. Kowalczewskis works are rare and sought after by collectors, museums and dealers worldwide. Kowalczewski is listed as being born in 1876 in Germany. Fine drape around her belly in excellent kneeling pose with stick while she comes out of the water. Indeed a masterful and fine detailed bronze sculpture – please compare all detail pictures below the item description! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog. This item is in the category “Art\Art Sculptures”. The seller is “99_dollar_bargains” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Type: Sculpture
  • Format: Statue
  • Subject: Woman
  • Material: Bronze
  • Production Technique: Bronze Casting
  • Original/Licensed Reproduction: Licensed Reproduction
  • Features: 1st edition
  • Region of Origin: europe
  • Signed: Yes
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Spain
  • Handmade: Yes
  • Store Category: Art Deco

Signed european Made Fair Maiden Bronze Sculpture Art Deco Marble Base Figurine