
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man

Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man

Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 18″ X Width 10″. Marble Dimensions:10″ X 4″. Height without base:17. This captivating bronze statue is a testament to the artist’s profound creativity and ability to provoke thought and contemplation. The figure portrayed in this sculpture is both ethereal and intriguing, with its elongated limbs symbolizing the boundless nature of the human spirit. At first glance, it exudes fragility, yet upon closer inspection, it reveals an unwavering determination that challenges conventional perceptions. The artist’s meticulous craftsmanship brings this unique figure to life, with every contour and line expertly rendered. The elongated limbs reach out into space, defying traditional proportions and inviting viewers to ponder the complexities of the human condition. This sculpture serves as a powerful symbol of resilience and strength, prompting introspection and reflection on one’s own journey. Crafted using the revered lost-wax casting technique, this bronze statue showcases the artist’s mastery of their craft. The rich patina finish adds depth and character to the sculpture, enhancing its visual impact. Whether displayed in a gallery, home, or office, this piece is sure to spark conversations and inspire contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the depths of their own being and embrace their limitless potential. It is a transformative work of art that captures the enigmatic allure of the human spirit.
Handcrafted Made by Lost Wax Gia Dali Rodin Bronze Sculpture Walking Man

Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure

Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure

Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure. This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 32″ X Width 11″. Marble Dimensions: 11″ X 10″. Height without base: 31. Along with this beauty is a deep seriousness of intent. Subjects are never trifling. The body is for him a medium of expression to convey ancient and weighty themes of life and death, action and repose, alienation and reconciliation. Figures are not abstracted – as later artists like Picasso or Giacometti would do – but literally pared down. The “Large Torso of the Falling Man” (1904) lacks arms, legs, head, and neck, as if to test how much expression he could wring from how little of the body, in the process both referencing and one-upping the power and fragmentation of the famous classical Torso Belvedere. This exquisite sculpture, titled “Rodin Hot Cast Nude Girl Torso, ” is a classic bronze artwork that captures the essence of the female form in its most timeless and elegant state. Inspired by the legendary Auguste Rodin, this piece embodies the masterful technique and expressive style for which Rodin is celebrated. The nude girl’s torso is meticulously crafted to showcase the delicate curves and contours, revealing the beauty and complexity of the human body. Handmade using the traditional lost wax method, this bronze sculpture is a testament to the enduring art of bronze casting. The intricate details and smooth finish highlight the skill and dedication involved in its creation. The rich brown patina adds depth and character, enhancing the sculpture’s visual appeal and ensuring its longevity. Mounted on a sleek black marble base, this figurine not only stands as a stunning piece of art but also as a versatile addition to any decor. Whether displayed in a private collection, gallery, or as a focal point in your home, this sculpture is sure to captivate and inspire. Available for sale, this artwork is a must-have for enthusiasts of classic bronze sculptures and admirers of Rodin’s timeless artistry. Virgin Islands, however, an additional charge may be required. New Detailed Hand Crafted Hot Cast Bronze Not Resin Satisfaction Guaranteed. This is Stock Photo, Slight Color Variation! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
Bronze Surreal Figural Sculpture after Rodin Made by Lost Wax Method Figure

Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale

Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale

Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale. This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions: Height 5″ X Width 8.5″ Total Weight:5 LBS Inventory:30XN21404903. “The Hand of God / The Creation” is a monumental bronze sculpture by the renowned artist Auguste Rodin, created in 1917. This masterpiece, housed in the Musee Rodin, is a testament to Rodin’s profound exploration of human existence and spirituality. The sculpture depicts a powerful hand emerging from a chaotic mass, symbolizing the divine act of creation. Rodin’s use of bronze and the lost wax method brings depth and realism to the sculpture, allowing viewers to feel the energy and dynamism of the creation process. The composition of “The Hand of God / The Creation” is striking and evocative, capturing the moment of divine intervention with profound emotion. The hand, with its intricate details and expressive gestures, conveys a sense of authority and creativity. The use of brown patina adds warmth and depth to the bronze, enhancing the overall impact of the artwork. Rodin’s ability to imbue inanimate materials with life and meaning is evident in this sculpture, making it a captivating piece for art enthusiasts and scholars alike. Visitors to the Musee Rodin are captivated by the sheer magnificence of The Hand of God / The Creation. Its placement within the museum’s collection underscores its significance in Rodin’s body of work and in the broader context of art history. As viewers engage with this sculpture, they are invited to contemplate themes of creation, spirituality, and the human condition, making it a timeless and thought-provoking masterpiece that continues to inspire and resonate with audiences around the world. Virgin Islands, however, an additional charge may be required. New Detailed Hand Crafted Hot Cast Bronze Not Resin Satisfaction Guaranteed. This is Stock Photo, Slight Color Variation! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
Rodin Creation Hand Made Genuine Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax Method Artwork Sale

Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art

Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art

Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art
Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss. Klassisch Rodin Alter Von Bronze Elegant Männlicher Akt Figur Marmor Statue Art. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Klassische Rodin-Zeit aus Bronze, elegante männliche Aktfigur, Marmorstatue, Skulpturenkunst. Diese Skulptur ist in einwandfreiem Zustand. Bronze-Abmessungen mit Marmorsockel: Höhe 18″ x Breite 9″. Marmorabmessungen: 6 1/2″ x 5 1/2″. Höhe ohne Sockel: 17. Präsentiert eine prächtige Bronzereplik von Auguste Rodins ikonischer Skulptur “Adam”. Im Jahr 1880 hatte Rodin ein großartiges Konzept für sein Meisterwerk “Das Tor zur Hölle” und schlug vor, es mit zwei kolossalen Statuen zu flankieren: Adam und Eva, die die ersten Sünder darstellen. “The Gates of Hell” ist eine monumentale Skulpturengruppe, die von “The Inferno” inspiriert ist, dem Eröffnungsabschnitt von Dante Alighieris Göttlicher Komödie aus dem frühen 14. In seinem Streben nach Perfektion ließ sich Rodin von zwei berühmten Darstellungen Adams inspirieren: Masaccios “Adam und Eva” in Santa Maria Novella in Florenz und Michelangelos Fresken in der Sixtinischen Kapelle, wo Adam seine Hand zu Gott ausstreckt. Rodin war mit seiner ursprünglichen Darstellung von Adam unzufrieden, die seiner Meinung nach zu sehr dem Stil Michelangelos ähnelte, verwarf sie und begann einen neuen Ansatz. In dieser bemerkenswerten Skulptur stellt Rodin Adam mit nach unten gerichtetem Blick dar, was ein tiefes Gefühl der Scham und Schuld nach dem Sündenfall hervorruft. Die Kontrapost-Haltung ist zwar absichtlich unnatürlich, vermittelt aber die Qual und Reue, die sein Wesen durchdringen. Um jedes nuancierte Detail von Adams Gestalt einzufangen, wurde die uralte Technik des Wachsausschmelzverfahrens eingesetzt und sorgfältig eine braune Patina aufgetragen, um den optischen Reiz zu verstärken. Diese exquisite Nachbildung Adams aus Bronze steht auf einem edlen Sockel aus gelbem Onyx-Marmor und trägt stolz Rodins Unterschrift. Es ist eine Hommage an die Fähigkeit des Künstlers, durch sein meisterhaftes Handwerk tiefe Emotionen und existenzielle Themen hervorzurufen. Ob als Einzelstück oder als Teil einer kuratierten Sammlung ausgestellt, diese Skulptur von Adam ist ein Beweis für Rodins künstlerische Vision und seine Erforschung des menschlichen Daseins. Es lädt zum Nachdenken und Nachdenken ein und dient als zeitloses Symbol für Scham, Reue und den ewigen Kampf zwischen Sünde und Erlösung. Die meisten Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden nach dem Kauf versendet. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, bevor Sie in diesen Bereichen Einkäufe tätigen. Für Kunden außerhalb der USA sind Sie möglicherweise für alle Zölle, Steuern und Maklergebühren verantwortlich, die bei der Lieferung fällig sein können (die Versandkosten decken nur die Frachtkosten). Wir versenden auch international. Die Tarife für die einzelnen Gebiete finden Sie in der Tabelle “Versand und Bearbeitung”. Wir akzeptieren nahezu jede Zahlungsart. Zahlungsanweisungen, Bankschecks und sogar persönliche oder geschäftliche Schecks. Für staatliche Institutionen nehmen wir auch eine Bestellung entgegen. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir bei persönlichen oder geschäftlichen Schecks vor dem Versand auf die Einlösung des Schecks warten müssen (in der Regel 7 Tage). Neue, detaillierte, handgefertigte Heißgussbronze Kein Kunstharz Zufriedenheitsgarantie. Dies ist ein Standardfoto, leichte Farbabweichung! Auflistungs- und Vorlagendienste von inkFrog. Die Tarife für die einzelnen Gebiete fi.
Classic Rodin Bronze Age Elegant Male Nude Figure Marble Statue Art

Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art

Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art
Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art
Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art
Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art
Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art

Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art
Bronze Figur – signiert Rodin. Auguste Rodin, französischer Bildhauer (1840 – 1917). The Thinker – Der Denker. Die patina-grüne Bronze Figur “Der Denker” ist eine inspirierende Statue des berühmten Künstlers Rodin. Im Jugendstil gestaltet, eignet sie sich perfekt als Dekoration für alle Zimmer. Das Thema Kunst und Design wird durch diese Figur auf wundersame Weise verkörpert und verleiht jedem Raum eine besondere Note. Die hochwertige Verarbeitung und das Material aus Bronze machen die Statue zu einem langlebigen Kunstwerk. Die Figur ist ein Blickfang für jeden Betrachter und erinnert uns daran, über das Leben und die Welt um uns herum nachzudenken. Diese Statue ist ein Muss für jeden Kunstliebhaber und eine perfekte Ergänzung für jede Sammlung. Die Höhe der Statue beträgt ca. 20 cm Gewicht ca. Die marmorierte Steinplatte hat die Maße ca. 7,5 x 8 x 7,5 cm (BxTxH). Unsere Bürozeiten sind von Montag bis Freitag 8:00 – 17:00 Uhr. Sollten Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkten haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht, wir bearbeiten diese dann so zeitnah wie möglich. Unsere Versandtage sind Montag bis Freitag. Die Versandoptionen entnehmen Sie bitte dem jeweiligen Angebot. Strandgut Deko Ideen – Infobox. Weltweiter Versand auf Anfrage. Innerhalb Deutschland keine Versandkosten. Haben Sie Fragen zu unseren Angeboten? Unsere Bürozeiten sind von Mo-Fr 8:00-17:00 Uhr.
Bronze Figure The Thinker Statue The Thinker Decoration Green Signed Rodin Art

Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift

Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift

Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift. This product data sheet is originally written in English. This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 37 x Width 11 Marble Dimensions: 11 X 11 Height without base: 36 Weight : 36 LBS Inventory : 28-5590524582 The lively modeling of the nude and its deceptively realistic appearance represented such a departure from the conventions of academic sculpture of the time that Rodin was accused of casting from a live model, a practice greatly frowned upon. Rodin preserved photographs of the human model on which the sculpture is based, a man named Auguste Neyt. He is shown nude, his clenched right hand on his head and his left hand grasping a pole. It is immediately evident that the sculpture was not cast from the body of the man. Critics of the period were also dismayed by the subject, for Rodin not only abandoned all of the elaborate repertory of symbols with which academic sculptors habitually equipped their works, but also had stripped the figure of the spear originally carried in his left hand, relying on the expressiveness of the figure itself to convey its meaning. In addition, he changed the title from The Vanquished (Le Vaincu), possibly an allusion to the suffering and demoralization of his countrymen during the Franco-Prussian War, to the classical, but more ambiguous, The Age of Bronze (L`âge d`Airain). Later the work acquired still other new titles. Virgin Islands, however, an additional charge may be required. New Detailed Hand Crafted Hot Cast Bronze Not Resin Satisfaction Guaranteed. This is Stock Photo, Slight Color Variation! Listing and template services provided by inkFrog. The lively modeling of the nude and its deceptively realistic appearance represented such a departure from the conventions of academic sculpture of the time that Rodin was accused of casting from a live model, a practice greatly frowned upon. Critics of the period were also dismayed by the subject, for Rodin not only abandoned all of the elaborate repertory of symbols with which academic sculptors habitually equipped their works, but also had stripped the figure of the spear originally carried in his left hand, relyi.
Hand Made Large Nude Male Man Gay Interest Bronze Sculpture by Rodin Gift

Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin

Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin

Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze – art déco. Der Steinsockel in Marmor-Optik hat die Maße. 9,5 x 9,5 x 2 cm (BxTxH). Die Bronzefigur ist neu. Unsere Bürozeiten sind von Montag bis Freitag 8:00 – 17:00 Uhr. Sollten Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkten haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht, wir bearbeiten diese dann so zeitnah wie möglich. Unsere Versandtage sind Montag bis Freitag. Die Versandoptionen entnehmen Sie bitte dem jeweiligen Angebot. Strandgut Deko Ideen – Infobox. Weltweiter Versand auf Anfrage. Innerhalb Deutschland keine Versandkosten. Haben Sie Fragen zu unseren Angeboten? Unsere Bürozeiten sind von Mo-Fr 8:00-17:00 Uhr.
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 15 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin

Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin

Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin

Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin
Bronze – art déco. Der Steinsockel in Marmor-Optik hat die Maße. 14 x 13 x 2 cm (BxTxH). Die Bronzefigur ist neu. Unsere Bürozeiten sind von Montag bis Freitag 8:00 – 17:00 Uhr. Sollten Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkten haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht, wir bearbeiten diese dann so zeitnah wie möglich. Unsere Versandtage sind Montag bis Freitag. Die Versandoptionen entnehmen Sie bitte dem jeweiligen Angebot. Strandgut Deko Ideen – Infobox. Weltweiter Versand auf Anfrage. Innerhalb Deutschland keine Versandkosten. Haben Sie Fragen zu unseren Angeboten? Unsere Bürozeiten sind von Mo-Fr 8:00-17:00 Uhr.
Bronze Statue The Kiss approx. 21.5 cm The Kiss Erotic Nude Figure sign. Rodin