Echtheitsstempel / Signatur vorhanden. Wie alle Bronzeartikel in unserem Shop, wurde auch die Skulptur in aufwendiger Handarbeit im Wachsausschmelzverfahren nach alten Vorbildern hergestellt. Durch mehrere Vorgänge bei der Produktion wurde ein Antikes Erscheinungsbild erzeugt. Diese Figur ist ein echter Hingucker. § 19 UStG kein MwSt-Ausweis, da Kleinunternehmer.

Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century

Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century

Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century
Skulpturen + Gemälde + Bücher + Dekorative Kunst. Feine Grand Tour Bronze Messerschleifer Italien Rom 19. In sehr schöner Qualität gefertigte Grand Tour Skulptur aus dem 19. Bronze, fein ziseliert, patiniert, ovale Plinthe 12x22cm, Höhe 24cm, Gewicht 4.2kg, auf der Plinthe mit unleserliche Marke. Darstellung des im 16. Jahrhundert in Rom entdeckten, so genannten “Scythian” oder auch der “Messerschleifer”. Das Original aus Marmor stammt aus dem 2. Jahrhundert und befindet sich heute in den Uffizien in Florenz Inv. Die Skulptur zeigt einen knienden Mann, der auf einem Stein ein Messer schärft. Die halbnackte Gestalt galt zunächst als Skythe oder sogar als königlicher Barbier. Jahrhundert wurde die Idee geäußert, dass die Skulptur Teil einer Gruppe sein könnte, die die Häutung des Marsyas darstellt. Die Figur wurde daher als Sklave identifiziert, der die Klinge vorbereitete, mit der der Satyr gefoltert wurde. Gasparri La Villa Médicis. Le collezioni del cardinale Ferdinando. I dipinti e le sculture, Rom 2009, Seite 68, Nr. Fine Grand Tour Bronze sculpture Knife Grinder Italy Rome 19th Century. Grand Tour sculpture from the 19th century made in very nice quality. Bronze, finely chased, patinated, oval plinth 12x22cm, height 24cm, weight 4.2kg. It is known as the “Arrotino” and shows a kneeling man who is sharpening a knife on a stone. The man, who has long eyebrows, recessed pupils and swollen eyelids, is looking upwards, his forehead marked with deep frown lines. In the 16th century, the idea was put forward that the sculpture could be part of a group depicting the flaying of Marsyas. The figure was therefore identified as a slave, preparing the blade used to torture the satyr. Gasparri, La Villa Médicis. I dipinti e le sculture, Roma 2009, p. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ich reise durch Europa und suche auf Messen, Märkten und Auktionen nach Dingen die ich selbst schön und interessant finde, denn nur Objekte die meinem Qualitätsanspruch entsprechen möchte ich Ihnen auf dieser Plattform anbieten. Den Schwerpunkt bilden Objekte aus dem 19. So kann ich Ihnen Plastiken und Skulpturen ebenso anbieten wie Gemälde, seltene Bücher, dekorative Kunst, Porzellan und Glas. Als studierter Kunsthistoriker bin ich selbstverständlich an einer gewissenhaften Recherche interessiert, vor allem was die Zuschreibung auf einen Künstler, die Materialität, die Authentizität und das Alter betrifft. Seit über 20 Jahren bin ich im Kunsthandel tätig, seit 2009 verkaufe ich auf dieser Plattform. Mein Büro befindet sich in geschichtsträchtiger Umgebung im Herzen der Stadt Potsdam. Sollten Sie Interesse haben ein oder mehrere Objekte persönlich in Augenschein zu nehmen, können wir gerne einen Termin zur Besichtigung vereinbaren. Sollten Sie Fragen haben zögern Sie bitte nicht mich zu kontaktieren. Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands. Innerhalb Deutschlands versenden wir kostenlos. Wir versenden unsere Pakete mit DHL. Sie erhalten eine Tracking ID mit der Sie ihre Sendung jederzeit online verfolgen können. Die Lieferzeit beträgt innerhalb Deutschlands ca. 2-3 Werktage nach Zahlungseingang. Seit über 15 Jahren bin ich im Kunsthandel tätig, seit 2009 verkaufe ich auf dieser Plattform. Tab 6 – Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick. Bitte den Text, den Sie ändern möchten doppelt anklicken oder markieren und beginnen zu tippen. Um Bilder zu tauschen bitte das Bild anklicken und “Bild einfügen” in der Toolbar auswählen. Zum Verlinken von Buttons und “Passend-Dazu”-Artikeln Text und Bild durch Doppelklicken markieren (für Buttons und die “Passend-Dazu”-Artikel rechts) und anschließend den Link über den Menüpunkt “Link einfügen” in der Toolbar hinterlegen. Mehr Informationen in der Anleitung weiter unten. Lorem ipsum dolor sit. Stet clita kasd gubergren. No sea takimata sanctus est. Design & Development by Pixelsafari.
Excellent Grand Tour Bronze The Knife Grinder Italy Florence 19th Century

Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy

Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy
Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy
Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy
Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy
Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy

Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy
Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift. Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Very good condition as on the photos. It is truly a masterpiece statue for home decor. This is a lovely item to own or to give as a special gift. Basic information: Metal / Polystone with bronze coating Height / 16 cm / 2.3 in. Please review all photos closely, since they are a large part of my item description. (all made with daylight, to show the color as authentic as possible). I check each product and sell only the best quality products. In any case, if you are not satisfied with the product. Please contact me and I will do everything to your satisfaction. I accepted within 14 days, In its original packaging and on condition the item in its original condition as received. In any case, of a problem contact me right away before leaving feedback so I will do my very best to resolve any problem. And to make you satisfied. Thank you for shopping.
Minotaur Statue Figure Polystone Bronze Home Decor Gift Made in Italy

Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal

Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal

Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 6 1/2″ X Width 5″. Marble Dimensions: 5″ X 3″. Height without base: 3 1/2. Indulge in the enchantment of this daydreaming fairy sculpture, destined to captivate the hearts of dreamers. Nestled within a mystical forest, she exudes an aura of tranquility as her gaze embraces the magical world around her. The soft melodies of life and fantasy embrace her, lulling her into a state of blissful reverie. Her youthful innocence radiates as she shares gleeful giggles with the singing birds and playful butterflies that surround her. Adorned with captivating golden patina fairy wings that gracefully arch behind her, she enchants with her every movement. Her vibrant red patina dress and matching shoes add a touch of whimsical charm to her ethereal presence. A perfect addition to any little girl’s room, this sculpture sparks imagination and nurtures the joy of wonder. Crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, this sculpture is 100% bronze and lovingly handmade. The revered “Lost Wax Method” was employed to bring this enchanting creation to life, ensuring its authenticity and enduring quality. Mounted on a marble base, it stands as a testament to the artist’s skill and creative vision. Signed by the accomplished artist Milo, this sculpture embodies the magic of dreams and invites you to embrace the beauty of fantasy. Vienna Bronze Small Angel Young Girl Fairy Sculpture Statue Figurine on Marble Base EP-730.
Bronze Sculpture, Hand Made Statue Art Nouveau Angel Fairy Bookend Book-End Deal

Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made

Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made

Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made
This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 14.5″ X Width 6″ Marble Dimensions: Diameter 5.5″ Height without base:13.5″ Weight:10 LBS Inventory:62YRD635A4626. This exquisite bronze sculpture is a stunning depiction of Atlas, the Titan from Greek mythology who bears the weight of the heavens upon his shoulders. As a symbol of his eternal punishment, Atlas stands with his powerful figure stooped beneath the celestial spheres. This piece captures the timeless struggle between Earth and Sky, beautifully rendered through the intricate details and craftsmanship. Created using the ancient lost-wax casting method, this sculpture exhibits a rich brown patina finish that adds depth and character to its design. Mounted on a sleek black marble base, it not only symbolizes the enduring power of Greek mythology but also serves as a striking statement piece in any setting. With the European Bronze Finery stamp of quality and the artist Aldo Vitaleh’s signature, this sculpture is a testament to artistry and mythology, making it a captivating addition to any art collection or a meaningful decoration in your home or office. As you gaze upon Atlas carrying the weight of the heavens, you can’t help but be drawn into the profound narrative of this sculpture. It encapsulates the eternal struggle of forces beyond our control and serves as a reminder of the enduring themes that have shaped human storytelling for centuries. Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply appreciate the depth of Greek mythology, this piece is a striking representation of an age-old tale.
Atlas Holding World Greek Statue 100% Real Bronze by Lost wax Method Hand Made

Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old

Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old
Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old
Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old
Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old
Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old

Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old
Hier bietet ihr auf eine alte bronzefigur. Sie zeigt buddha, detailschön gestaltet. Ca 15×12,5×7,5 cm groß und mit ca 1,24kg auch recht schwer. Mit besonderer ausstrahlung für besondere menschen. Wenn sie besondere wünsche haben, geschenkverpackungen. Etc pp brauchen. Sagen sie einfach bescheid. Und wenn mehrere artikel gesammelt verschickt werden sollen. Fragen sie bitte vor zahlung. Nach dem gesamtbetrag, dann können wir ihre rechnung anpassen. Auf wunsch erhalten sie natürlich auch eine ordentliche rechnung. Die umsatzsteuer der erworbenen ware unterliegt der differenzbesteuerung gem.
Buddha Bronze Statue 15cm Large 1.26kg Heavy Detail Worked Old

Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration

Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration

Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration
Condition: This sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 7 X Width 10 Marble Dimensions: Diameter 9 Height without base:6 Weight:8 LBS Inventory:51X08993415. This handmade bronze sculpture beautifully captures the essence of an American buffalo, depicted in its natural environment roaming the vast grasslands alongside its massive herd. The textured, shaggy brown winter coat of the buffalo is portrayed being ruffled by the cold winter wind, adding a sense of movement and realism to the scene. Symbolically, the buffalo holds deep meaning, representing holiness, rejuvenation, and the provider of all good things for living beings, as well as possessing great curing powers. Crafted using the archaic methods of lost-wax casting, this sculpture showcases the artist’s skill and dedication to preserving traditional craftsmanship. The brown patina finish enriches the details of the sculpture, highlighting the textures and nuances of the buffalo’s coat. Mounted on a black marble base and bearing the signature of the artist Barye, this piece not only reflects artistic excellence but also carries a sense of quality and prestige. Whether displayed in a home, office, or gallery, this bronze sculpture serves as a powerful symbol of strength, resilience, and cultural significance. Its depiction of the buffalo’s majesty and symbolism makes it a captivating addition to any art collection, inviting viewers to connect with the natural world and appreciate the timeless beauty of this iconic animal. American Buffalo Bison Western Decor Bronze Marble Base Statue Sculpture Artwork XN-0899.
Hand Made Buffalo Bison Genuine Solid Bronze Sculpture Home Office Decoration